The Data Analyst Guide

Learn all about building your career in data analytics or data science - and landing your first data job.

2020: I started learning about data analytics and data science, and became a Tableau Ambassador.

2021: I landed my very first analytics internship *and* an analyst internship at a large financial services firm.

2022: I got my graduate job offer, did two more analytics internships and graduated from University.

2023: I started my first data analytics job straight out of Uni, and created content.

2024: (3 months in) I got approached by two headhunters.

Here is everything I learnt to date (from my own experience, and from the content I've consumed)…

For aspiring analysts like myself back then:

What You Should Know

Things you should know before starting your Data Analyst career journey

For people who are starting their Data Analyst career journey: Here I challenge some assumptions people might have about the career.

Read more 10 min

What should your data analytics learning journey look like?

What tools/skills should I be learning when building my Data Analyst career? How and how much should I be learning? I answer them here.

Read more 13 min

The Data Analyst resume checklist

Here's everything I would include in a Data Analyst resume + the resume that got me my Graduate Data Analyst role at Quantium.

Read more 14 min

A candid take on how to improve your surface area of success

What I would recommend for aspiring data analysts to more easily land their next role.

Read more 15 min

An intro to data analytics projects and how to lay out your portfolio

Many aspiring data analysts do not have enough experience. That's why aspiring data analysts require a portfolio of projects to make up for it. Here's how you get started.

Read more 13 min

What these analysts did to stand out (Part 1)

Here's how these analysts gained an unfair advantage in the application process, or received offers without applying.

Read more 6 min

Supplementary Material

My top 5 takeaways from How to Become a Data Analyst

Annie got her first data analyst job in 6 months, starting from scratch and learning all the tools herself. Here's her advice for new-starters.

Read more 6 min

My top 5 takeaways from Build a Career in Data Science (Getting started with data science) – PART 1

Here are some takeaways from one of the most influential books in my data analytics career. We'll start off with the first part (of four), since it's a long read!

Read more 9 min

My top 5 takeaways from Build a Career in Data Science (Finding your data science job) – PART 2

Here are some takeaways from one of the most influential books in my data analytics career. Here's the second part (of four): Finding your data science job'.

Read more 8 min

My top 5 takeaways from Build a Career in Data Science (Settling into data science) - PART 3

Here are some takeaways from one of the most influential books in my data analytics career. Here's the third part (of four): Settling in data science.

Read more 11 min

My top 5 takeaways from Build a Career in Data Science (Growing into your data science role) - PART 4

Here are some takeaways from one of the most influential books in my data analytics career. Here's the fourth and final part: Growing into your data science role.

Read more 10 min


Jason Khu

Hey, what's up? It's Jason.

I'm currently a Data Analyst at Quantium, based in Sydney, Australia. I've been working at the company for a bit longer than a year, and prior to joining, I did analytics work at American Express, Deloitte, and IAG.

I graduated from UNSW with a Bachelor of Actuarial Studies (Quantitative Data Science) & Commerce (Information Systems). And I started my Data Analyst/Scientist journey in my second-year - after realising I wasn't sure about what I wanted to do.

Enjoy the guide - it summarises everything I've learnt over the past four years. And feel free to reach out and connect! My links are below.


I would like to dedicate this section to some of the people I've met through the years.

They gave me the resources and support that allowed me to accomplish what I could in the data analytics space

Here is a short list of some of them:

Ana, Bergen, Emily, Harley, Iva, Lillian, Kevin, KJ, Pamela, Marc, Michael, Tran

About Data & Development Deep Dives

Data & Development Deep Dives aims to teach data skills and career advice to young professionals.

Data & Development Deep Dives focusses on: data analytics/science, statistics, University and the student experence, personal and professional development, and more!

Learn more about Data & Development Deep Dives.