Today for #onepageonepoint, we have summary notes for Stolen Focus - for chapter 13: 'Cause Eleven: The Rise of ADHD and How We Are Responding to It'.
Today for #onepageonepoint, we have summary notes for Stolen Focus - for chapter 12: 'Cause Nine and Ten: Our Deteriorating Diets and Rising Pollution'.
Today for #onepageonepoint, we have summary notes for Stolen Focus, chapter 11: 'The Places That Figured Out How to Reverse the Surge in Speed and Exhaustion'.
This post examines twin studies from a statistical lens. So, do twin studies effectively determine the significance of genes in the development of disorders?
Today for #onepageonepoint, we have summary notes for Stolen Focus - for chapter 10: 'Cause Eight: The Surge in Stress and How It Is Triggering Vigilance'.
Today for #onepageonepoint, we have summary notes for Stolen Focus - for chapter 9: 'The First Glimpses of the Deeper Solution'.
Today for #onepageonepoint, we have summary notes for Stolen Focus - for chapter 8: 'Cause 7: The Rise of Cruel Optimism (or: Why Individual Changes are an Important Start, But Not Enough)'.
Today for #onepageonepoint, we have summary notes for Stolen Focus - for chapter 7: 'Cause Six: The rise of technology that can track and manipulate you (Part Two)'.
This post is for anyone who wants change the preview image of the links in their featured section on LinkedIn - using peeklink!