Today for #onepageonepoint, we have summary notes for Atomic Habits - for chapter 11: 'Walk Slowly, but Never Backward'.
With applications opening for the program later this year in July, I figured it'd be useful that I share my experience taking part in the program, for newer students who may be interested learning more about Deloitte.
Today for #onepageonepoint, we have summary notes for Atomic Habits - for chapter 10 - 'How to Find and Fix the Causes of Your Bad Habits'.
Today for #onepageonepoint, we have summary notes for Atomic Habits - for chapter 9: 'The Role of Family and Friends in Shaping Your Habits'.
Today for #onepageonepoint, we have summary notes for Atomic Habits - for chapter 8: 'How to Make a Habit Irresistible'.
Today for #onepageonepoint, we have summary notes for Atomic Habits - for chapter 7: 'The Secret to Self-Control'.
Today for #onepageonepoint, we have summary notes for Atomic Habits - for chapter 6: 'Motivation is Overrated; Environment Often Matter More'.
Today for #onepageonepoint, we have summary notes for Atomic Habits - for chapter 5: 'Chapter 5: The Best Way to Start a New Habit'.
Today for #onepageonepoint, we have summary notes for Atomic Habits - for chapter 4: 'The Man Who Didn't Look Right'.